Saturday 24 December 2016

Los pensamientos serenos...

Los pensamientos serenos ayudan a curar el cuerpo.
Dibujos fotos palabras 

Como alguno de vosotros ya sabéis, soy Margarita (Meg) Robinson y vivo en el soleado sur de España. Soy artista, escritora, recaudo fondos para obras de caridad para niños desfavorecidos en Latínamérica, y solía viajar a menudo a Peru, Bolivia y Nicaragua. Estoy en un proceso de reinventarme, ahora que he recibido la maravillosa noticia de que estoy libre de cáncer. Estoy en remisión desde mayo del 2015.

Un gran parte de mi sanación ( de cáncer de colón en fase 4) ha sido a través de dibujar, pintar, la fotografía, escribiendo y haciendo libros de mis pinturas. Rezar y meditar también han jugado un papel muy importante. Durante el viaje del cáncer una aldea entera en los Andes de Perú, guiada por mi gran amigo el Padre Rene, estuvo rezando cada día durante meses pidiendo mi recuperación total.

¡Cómo no me iba a poner bien!

También seguí con confianza el consejo de dos sanadores en España y Perú de tomar cápsulas de Graviola y bebiendo Essiac y tes de Zahareña cada día. También tomaba Schussler Salts de Alemania y  acudía cada semana a dos terapeutas locales. Yo solía dar terapias de arte a otras personas, ¡durante la quimioterapia me las daba a mí misma!

Dos amigos me daban sesiones de Reiki antes y después de cada sesión de quimioterapia.

Al principio todo fue terroríficamente abrumador. Poco a poco llegó la calma…

Después de 6 meses de quimioterapia y apenas efectos secundarios, a la vez que complementando con suplementos y tratamientos, no quedaba/queda rastro de cáncer.

No dudo de que dibujar y pintar mis miedos y esperanzas tuvo un gran papel en mi proceso de recuperación.

Nunca vi el cáncer como algo contra lo que luchar, sino más bien como un “visitante” que no ha sido invitado y que había venido a traer “regalos” que yo estaba segura de no querer recibirlos.

Sentía que mi trabajo era animar a este “visitante” a irse lo antes posible, y cuando lo hizo, descubrí un regalo que no tiene precio -  Una nueva vida-

Mucho de los dibujos en este pequeño libro han sido inspirados atendiendo semanalmente un grupo de expresión artística llamado 

- Passionarte en Orgiva, Andalucía-


                                                             Felices fiestas a tod@s

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Love coming over the mountains.


It’s just ten days till Christmas, the hardest day of the year for many friends, and maybe the first hard Christmas ever, for some friends.

I started to post images on my Facebook page a week or so ago, to let certain friends know I’m thinking about them every day.  These friends  are all  having particularly difficult times for completely different reasons.

The idea is, I believe images speak directly to the soul, that they can inspire us, change our energy, and somehow trigger the hope we've lost.

Face to face with beauty,  images can touch the love that's at our core. This is my humble belief and my ongoing experience.

I’m sharing the drawings I made today because I so loved making them. They are my gift to you.

 In any kind of  nakedness, there is no hiding, and today I can’t hide the delight I experienced in making these images.

My prayer for you tonight is that little droplets of delight will surprise you too, despite everything,  in the most unexpected ways.

Images speak louder than words. Love coming over the mountains to you,wherever you are.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Kindest eyes

South African priest Rene August posed this question, and it has stayed with me since I  met her many months ago on YouTube.

'What would your story (Life) look like if you looked at it through your kindest eyes?'

As we're getting close to the end of the year, the other quote that has lingered and often wiggles a warning finger  is-

'Whatever  you say after the words I AM, will come stalking you !'

So I'm being  mindful about sharing anything about my sore foot, my sore tooth, the roof needing to be repaired, the gear box needing to be replaced!

But when I say I'm loving drawing again,  it's true.    We have two art groups in the area,  both are thriving.  I'm Loving Both.  Does it show?

 So my question to your dear reader is -

 'What would  your story (your biggest challenge) look like if you looked at it through your kindest eyes

Friday 11 November 2016

Questions and answers.

Dear  friends,

I hesitated to share this on Wednesday evening when I wrote it. It’s about the morning we in Europe heard the news that shocked most of us to our core.  I've finally decided to share it because I think it’s been an experience of pure Devine Intervention. 

We all need to find a way to hang onto the hope/faith/ belief that love will triumph - despite everything.  Despite Everything. This is my trump card, my only card.

And this is how the Universe helped me on Wednesday.  It's kind of changed everything, depsite everything.

Sometimes answers come before we've worded the whole question.

The drawings were  made today - feeling the parting of Leonard Cohen.

Wedesday 9.11.2016. The day Donald Trump is elected President of the USA.

I’ve just come back to Spain from my 'big trip.'  Visiting my 4 grandchildren in Scotland for the first time in two years was wonderful.  Chemo grounded me for many months, but not any more.  On my return to Spain, I decided to stay overnight in Malaga.  Ryanair lands at midnight, too late to drive back to the mountains.

Writing this ‘story’ brings a kind of conclusion to Wednesday for me.  It brings a very clear intention of how I want to continue to be in the world, despite everything. Despite Everything.

And I know in the last 48 hours many of you have also shifted your own horror and fear thoughts into a  spiritual perspective. I am deeply moved by stories from American friends who are dealing with their shock, aligning themselves with the healing power of nature, or joining with others, starting the safety pin campagain, making something beautiful and powerfully creative out of their grief. small story...

I awoke to the news and felt stunned. A dreadful dark bottomless doom flooded my heart.  How could this possibly have happened was my first and then repetitive thought?

After a cup of  hot strong black coffee in the hotel cafe, I went outside into the winter sunshine.  Numbed and bleary eyed by brain fog and shock,  I saw a young woman sitting on the pavement.  She was crying and begging. 

She asked me for money and I said I was sorry I didn’t have any change, which was true, but I had  banana in my food bag, so I gave her that.  She pleaded again for 2 € to buy milk for her baby.

Again I apologised, but wait a minute I said.  My heart was seeing what my head was blocking.

I went back into the comfy warm hotel to gather my thoughts, or rather to open my heart.

Standing dazed in the impersonal lobby surrounded by loud TV screens, people breakfasting, young German tourists dashing in and out of lifts,  something  pierced my spirit.  

Suddenly, on this day of days, I knew, I knew, I knew, to be giving, to be generous, to be kind was all that mattered.

So how much would I give her?

Woah.  Was she a junkie, acting out a desperate need?  Was she genuine?

Somehow, instantly, it didn’t really matter at all.  She personified everybody in the world who was desparate at this moment in time.

I have survived stage 4 cancer.  I have reasons to be joy-filled. I must never forget this, despite everything, Despite Everything.
I am 24 months away from my own rock bottom.

So I went back and asked her her name, and where she came from.

She was Spanish, aged about 24, slim, with long black hair.  
To see a young Spanish woman begging and crying  on the street at 10 in the morning was new to me, and deeply shocking.  

She pleaded again for 2€ to buy milk for her 5 month old baby.  She'd  left her partner months ago because he was violent.  She  told me she had  an older child and couldn’t get work.

I bent down to give her a 10€ note and her arms immediately shot up and pulled me to her.
Still sitting cross-legged on the pavement, she embraced me and held me in her arms in the most loving heartfelt hug. The kind of hug a best friend would give you after an absence of months... or years.

She wouldn’t let go.  Now she seemed to be crying for joy.  Her dark head rested against mine, black hair against white hair, and I hate to tell you, I thought – ohhhhhhhh, I hope she doesn’t  have fleas!  

I straightened myself up at last, zapped that thought, and realised the extraordinary beauty we were sharing  in that moment. It was almost too much to bear.  She was giving me her wholehearted  joy, and I  had given so little, and could have given so much more.

I stroked her cheek the way the Spanish do. It was the only way I could apologise for having been so cautious.

As I reached the hotel, just 20 meters away, I turned to see her one more time.  There was no sign of her anywhere.

How could she possibly  have disappeared so quickly?  Did I imagine this whole scenario? 

So every day, I'm continuing to  look out for signs, signals and messengers for guidance and clarity, encouragement and direction.  And for new teachers.

Without fail and without asking, they always show up!

Somehow, despite everything, Despite Everything, I felt blessed and blissed and peaceful all day, the same day the world felt turned upside down at breakfast time.

Heartfelt hugs to you all, and may peace befriend  you too.

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”
― Dr. Seuss

Belonging Beyond Borders

April 2024 Hi friends, sorry for the long silence ! Lots of new ideas brewing... retreats here in Spain.. a podcast... two new Blurb books a...