
Showing posts from July, 2011

Perla. More Adventures in Chile.

The Andes from the Caretera Austral. Okay, so my screen play has gone into hibernation, and there's no coaxing it out. So I will wait, knowing it's springtime will come. I will not give up on this, even though at the moment it feels like it must have died, it's so absent from my heart's grasp. So back to sharing a few unpublished stories from my first visit to Patagonia in 2006. Perla. I have taken over a week to wander down from Santiago, the capitol of Chile, to Puerto Montt, the famous gateway to Patagonia. I've traveled by train and bus, stayed in a eucalyptus forest with a vet, ridden the historic silver, battered,two carriage train on a single track beside a raging river, lodged in a Tyrolean type cabin close to a volcano, and now am en route to the very far south of the spine of South America. I'm heading for the Parque National Torres del Paine. Chile is a long thin country. Puerto Montt, Chile. March 2006. I make the call from the bu...

Finding the joy within. Encontrar la alegría en su interior.

Relaxation is the prerequisite for that inner expansion that allows a person to express the source of inspiration and joy within. -Gary Zucav. I am so stuck with the screen play, I've stopped thinking about it. Life is putting healing opportunities in my path so instead of writing a movie script about how creativity heals, I am being asked to do it. In the flesh. Over and over again. And this gives me great joy. And now it's time to rest. La relajación es el requisito previo para que la expansión interna que permite a una persona para expresar la fuente de inspiración y alegría en su interior. -Gary Zucav. Estoy muy pegado con el guion, he dejado de pensar en ello. De repente, la vida me ha dado en mi camino las oportunidades de curación para que en lugar de escribir un guión de película acerca de cómo la creatividad se cura, se me pidió que lo hiciera. Una y otra vez. Y esto me da mucha alegría. Y ahora es tiempo para descansar.

Wisdom begins in Wonder. Soctrates. (In Spanish and Ukranian)

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou Wisdom begins in wonder. La sabiduría comienza con el asombro He aprendido que la gente se olvida de lo que dijo, la gente se olvida lo que hiciste, pero las personas nunca olvidarán cómo las hiciste sentir. - Maya Angelou Я дізнався, що люди забудуть, що ти сказав, люди забудуть, що ти зробив, але народ ніколи не забуде, як ви зробили їх відчувати. - Майя Анжелу Мудрість починається в здивуванні 'If you judge people, you have no time to love them.' Mother Teresa "Si juzgas a la gente, no tienes tiempo para amarla". madre Teresa "Якщо ви судите про людей, у вас немає часу, щоб любити їх. мати Тереза Some of us are born wanted. Some of us are not. 'The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.' Pema Chodron Algunos de noso...

Signs Signposts and Messengers?

The screen play has become like my shadow. It goes everywhere with me, though most of the time I can't see it because the conditions aren't favorable, ie., I'm to busy focusing on something else. "Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive... inner peace does not." ~ Eckhart Tolle This blog is about regaining my writers inner peace, amongst other things. So... Back to procrastinating with my screen play , because Sasha can't be a savant. No. She can't. Not possibly. Much too complicated. Maybe she can just have an outstanding, unforgettable, haunting voice? And perfect pitch ? Okay. If she's going to be the protagonist in the movie, what's her flaw? Or, what's her special need she has to overcome? I love how the Universes sends us the perfect messenger or sign or signpost when we come to a cross roads in life. Writing, for me, is one way of ...

The human spirit...

We work on ourselves in order to help others, but also we help others in order to work on ourselves. Pema Chodron Cancer is a word not a sentence. John Diamond. The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. C.C.Scott We are continually faced with great opportunities which are brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems. Margaret Mead For Helen. With so much love.

To touch the soul of another ...

My dear friend Julia, near Ollantaytambo , Cusco, Peru. 'To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground.' Stephen Covey Photos of children in Peru, digital images of an angel originally made of paper and modroc, to celebrate our fourth food- aid -drop- off to more than seventy families living in remote settlements above the tree line, near Machu Picchu. Well done Wither. Last years winter food drop off. Wither takes five basic supplies, rice, sugar, salt, matches and soap to over seventy families. The supplies goes up on horse back and on llamas. It is a three day trek to get to the families.

Lunch with Father Christmas at the Glacier. Patagonia 2006.

I thought it might be fun to share some of my unpublished adventures in South America with you, as well as the unfolding screen play story, especially as the screenplay is becoming extremely intense. Lunch with Father Christmas at the Glacier. Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina is world famous. It’s a three hour drive from El Calafate where Father Christmas and I are staying. Jeff (Father Christmas) and I have chosen the Alternative Glacier Tour starting at 7am. We will be picked up outside our budget accommodation, and join a bus load of young world travelers. This is the only way you can get to the glacier, except if you hire a car. We considered the car hire, but decided the guided tour would be a lot more fun. Jeff is a big man. An extrovert. Originally from the East End of London, 25 years ago he became a sheep farmer in Australia. He is boyish, friendly, loquacious , and endearing. The alternative tour leaves town by an old not much used dirt road. It ...