
Showing posts from April, 2015

Angels by my side.

Another hospital adventure this morning with Merche’s husband Javi. The appointment  is  for 9.30.  We leave Orgiva at 8am. We both yawn a lot as we approach Granada.  The snow-capped Sierras are magnificent.  My heart always soars at the sight of these mountains.  It’s a bit chilly though.  I wearing 4 layers, just in case. Javi drops me outside the clinic and disappears to find a free parking place.  I sit in the entrance area, and de repente- love this phrase ( suddenly and without warning)- a very extraordinary thing happens.  I’m visited by an angel.  Yes.  Honestly.  A large, plump, middle aged  angel clutching a pile of official hospital notebooks.  Not  files.  Notebooks. 'What a lovely smile you have,' she says to me.  'Where are you from?' I laugh.  She  laughs. ' Ireland,' I say.  Ah Ireland!’ she sighs.  I don’t remember what she said  for the next 5 ...

For Rilke, God was ‘quirky.’

The following are  messages posted to my Facebook friends last week, additions and after thoughts will follow in the next blog. 4 days of poetry in the Lecrin Valley, 7th - 11th April,  surrounded by orange and lemon trees. Will I be able to stay the pace ?    The landscape  was cloaked in mist most of the time I was there.  Another metaphor for not really being clear why I had come.  Why was I so irresistibly drawn there?   I couldn’t answer that questions, but  Rainer Maria Rilke could !  ‘Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experi...