
Showing posts from July, 2016

Myths and Legends in the making

Week 3 at the farmhouse. Just one more week now. American poet Jane Hirshfield says: ' The best stories are almost myth like in their ability to support different conclusions.’   Maria Popova, creator of says: ‘The best ideas come to us when we stop actively trying to coax the muse into manifesting and let the fragments of experience float around our unconscious mind in order to click into new combinations.  Without this essential stage of unconscious processing , the entire flow of the creative process is broken.’   Thank you Maria Popova. I agree, but had forgotten. I seem to have been doing a lot of unconscious processing at the farmhouse this week. Not much writing  has been done.  My spelling has gone nuts, and   as a result…I find myself questioning my body and especially my brain… are you really well?   What's going on?  But it's been an unusual week in many ways. How long do you allo...

The Bolivian farmworker and the magical green purse.

Sucre Bolivia 2012 Hello dear friends from scor ching southern Spain,  I’m here at a  beaut i ful farmhouse  near Malaga editing and tweaking some of the  travel stories from my blog. Seven days have passed.  I 'll be here for a   month.   Lucky me ! It's paradise. There's even a salt water pool. The stories will be interwoven with a few of the cancer ad ventures.   Inner and outer journeys, as it were, to share my trust in the bigger picture of our lives.   I'm not religious as you know, but I so believe there is an amaz ing bigger picture at play for all of us.  Lessons in Loving never end, do they ? Lessons in Compassion are ongoing. I think it' s all about learning and growing and sharing all along the way. Here is a taster of the only true story I’m writing with hindsight. I've told it a few times but never written it down.  It's an extraordinary story of  trust, and what happens...