Lithuania Calling.
Dear loyal multinational followers, Thank you for keeping on visiting while I've been silent for so many weeks. How does anybody manage a daily blog?? I couldn't. At the moment I've got kittens and chickens and a blind cockerel to feed, as well as drawings to draw, adventures to live, and so much more. Since starting the blog, thousands of you in the US have visited (so love these statistics), and more than five thousand Russians and Ukrainians have looked at my paintings here. Why so many visitors from Russia? I'm thinking you must be 'resonating' with something in my art , but I doubt many of you are reading the posts. Of course I could be wrong. I've just discovered my Jewish father's ancestors came from your countries - Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and also Poland. What a surprise. Oh bliss and double joy to know this at last! All my life I'd had a suspicion about Poland. Maybe it was just poetic wis...