Chicken love and other life lessons.
Ambient sounds she said. Add ambient sounds to your animations. So I sat outside my gate this evening and watched the sun set, enjoying the exquisite ambient sounds all around, especially the happy blackbird in the old walnut tree right above me. I had my first lesson in animation this evening. Will you email me your little demo I asked my extremely talented teacher? She paused. I know you she said, you'll want to put it on Facebook. Humm! I'll need to edit it she decided. We laughed. Actually I was thinking of sharing it here, but I haven't succeeded. Pinterest pic. I've been given homework. Approximately 62 drawings and some recordings of ambient sounds for next week. That's fine. That's the nature of animation, masses of drawings with small changes. The little film will last 20 seconds ! I've wanted to make animated films all my life. In the next blog you'll see the outcome. ...