Compassion as We Take Action
Dear friends, as the song says - I can't keep quiet - anymore! I've got some good news to share. But first... what a historic week this has been. So much confusion. So much 'What the F* is Going On?' So much 'How can this be happening,' etc., etc. How can we make sense of any of this? Frequently I'm not sure what I think until I see what I've written, or drawn. This has been particularly true this last week. I've felt a bit like a drone, witnessing an approaching tsunami. Every now and then there's been a feeling of being violently swept off my feet with the mind's voice continually yelling - I've lost my bearing... I don’t know what to do. Help! Major Bewilderment. Moments of deep disbelief. Majorly off course. Fear. Then when I've not been observing this tsunami drama, I'm like trying to find the door handle in a public toilet when the overhead light's gone out. So yesterday, ...