Compassion as We Take Action
Dear friends, as the song says - I can't keep quiet - anymore! I've got some good news to share.
But first...
what a historic week this has been. So much confusion. So much 'What the F* is Going On?' So much 'How can this be happening,' etc., etc.
How can we make sense of any of this?
Frequently I'm not sure what I think until I see what I've written, or drawn.
This has been particularly true this last week.
I've felt a bit like a drone, witnessing an approaching tsunami. Every now and then there's been a feeling of being violently swept off my feet with the mind's voice continually yelling - I've lost my bearing... I don’t know what to do. Help!
Major Bewilderment. Moments of deep disbelief. Majorly off course. Fear.
Then when I've not been observing this tsunami drama, I'm like trying to find the door handle in a public toilet when the overhead light's gone out.
So yesterday, I seriously asked the Universe/God /Goddess/All That Is/ Buddha/Jesus/Allah/ Yahweh for help.
And fairly instantly it arrived. My inner light has been switched on again, by Jack Kornfield.
I’m deciding to believe that what is happening in the US will be seen historically as a huge gift to all of us, globally. I really believe it is a wakeup call, as cancer is.
Cancer and other life threatening illnesses drive us to make choices and changes, and lead us to look at and experience life in a completely new way.
Since the
first day Mr Trump sat down behind his desk in the White House, the US
became to its worldwide friends and spectators, the Un-United States of America.
But the prognosis of this presidency is not set in stone.
Oh no ! No senor!
On the theme of the new president being a 'gift,' in his talk Thank you Mr Trump, young Richard Williams - an American poet, rapper and filmmaker - says, his country is sick.
What he says is uncomfortable, and strangely compelling. Now more than ever he says, we must make choices out of love, not out of hate or fear. Jack Kornfield says the same, with different words, and a different tone. I share with you a young and an older voice of America.
I've been wading through the Internet searching for some nuggets of wisdom since this all started.
How do we cope, how do we not get overwhelmed?
I can't keep quite any more. I'm feeling excited. Jack Kornfield's wisdom and wonderful gift of storytelling has reset my inner compass. When more dark episodes come via Mr Trump, I will again listen to Jack.
My faith is truly in the wise ones of this wonderful country, and in the bigger picture. And I accept it will probably be extremely scary (globally) before we move into the next 'phase.'
Just as with cancer, each ‘phase of it’ leads us to a new place of being and doing.
Personally, I believe as long as we can keep believing in goodness and justice (thank you Holland) we can, despite everything, continue to have our lives enriched by moments of awe, joy and love, every day.
Good things are already happening. The Netherlands are giving us a great example of caring about others.
And after a week of angst, I'm reminded by a wise friend in Australia that a lot of good people voted for Trump, that this is what democracy is about. People have chocies. Byron Katie is truly inspiring on this theme.
And finally, I’m reminded that all we have to deal with is today.
I made these drawings at Belalcazar monastery in 2015. They’re on the
theme of the Convivencia when in 1492 the Jews were expelled from
Spain. Yes, expelled.
They were given just 2 months to leave the country they called home.
period of transition from the known to the unknown was what
fascinated me. In the most difficult times the human spirit will always be extraordinary.
We are now in another time of transition.
My firm intention is to be curious rather than frightened. And I intend to focus on the good, the inspiring and the compassionate, and to keep drawing, and writing, and sharing good news.
I'm 100% for Compassion as We Take Action .
What stand what action will you take dear friend?
Milck song : I can't keep quiet.
and lastly, Byron Katie:
Yes - great thoughts. I had a good moment when I saw Russel Brand talking in a similar way. It is not one man who is responsible for all this fear , its a condition of our times - in the US and the world. Compassion and understanding and love has to be the way forward.. xxxxx