Painting my way back...

In the  village of Farrera high in the Spanish Pyrenees,  in September,  I'm going to paint my way back into my screenplay.  It's been  seriously on  hold for  months. Farrera is a  magical place.  I'm hoping, dreaming  that by playing with  new ideas with paints, sculpture, photographs, and digital images, my film will come alive anew. Ojela!
Watch this space.
The greatest bliss within you is found in that place which has no rules, no fears, personal agendas or agreements with anyone. It simply appreciates everyone and everything exactly as it is. ~ Eckhart Tolle  Artists residencies in The Pyrenees.

Don't know who to credit for the beautiful pic of the hands.

The angel images - created  at Farrera village nine years ago- began as sculptures which I then photographed, and have subsequently 'played with' using a very old program called Micrographic Picture Publisher. 


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