Healing / Dreams

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...”
Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

Please click on the last image to see all images larger. These are digital images derived from a collage I made last week.

And so the journey to heal the arthritis in my legs  continues.  My dream is to be able to ride a horse again.  Some days I can't walk up the stairs.

And today, I discovered my real dream is much bigger than just to sit astride a horse again.

There are  two ways to visit the 70 remote, isolated families my  young Peruvian friend and I are supporting each winter in the  High Andes of Peru. One is to trek, the other is to ride.  Walking would take three days,  and at high altitude (around 4500m, 14.900 feet) that would take  some training.
My intention, my dream is make this journey on horseback.

Four years ago I visited this family who live eight hours walk above Ollantaytambo, which is near Machu Picchu. The full story of our winter project is on the website below.

Can I do this, can I meet these resouceful, spiritual,  extraordianry descendents of the Inca people ? They call me Mamita.  Mamita Margarita.    Can I allow this dream to happen?  In my minds eye I am already on that horse, galloping upwards, wind in my hair...they are there... I can see them...

and with this kind of help, I believe anything is possible.

This green angel lives in my mediation room.


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