Seeing the sacred in...everything. Ver lo sagrado en... todo
“If we don’t allow ourselves to experience love, joy and beauty, we
will definitely miss out on filling our reservoir with what we need when. . . .
hard things happen.”
― Brené Brown
"Si no nos permitimos experimentar el amor, la alegría y la belleza, no se llenará nuestro 'depósito'- nuestros corazones- con lo que nesesitaremos cuando.... suceden cosas duras."
― Brené Brown
PS. The new lovely title pic of children dancing was taken by charismatic Padre Rene who has created a soup kitchen in the remote village of Ccapi, Peru . With a small amount of outside help he can make a difference in these children's lives by giving those who walk hours to school a hot breakfast when they arrive, and lunch before they leave. He also gives lunch, a big bowl of nutritious soup, to all the old folk in the village. Two village women are paid to make the meals. Anybody who feels drawn to help me support his work, please email me,
― Brené Brown
"Si no nos permitimos experimentar el amor, la alegría y la belleza, no se llenará nuestro 'depósito'- nuestros corazones- con lo que nesesitaremos cuando.... suceden cosas duras."
― Brené Brown
PS. The new lovely title pic of children dancing was taken by charismatic Padre Rene who has created a soup kitchen in the remote village of Ccapi, Peru . With a small amount of outside help he can make a difference in these children's lives by giving those who walk hours to school a hot breakfast when they arrive, and lunch before they leave. He also gives lunch, a big bowl of nutritious soup, to all the old folk in the village. Two village women are paid to make the meals. Anybody who feels drawn to help me support his work, please email me,
El nuevo hermoso título foto de niños bailando fue tomada por el carismático Padre René que ha creado un comedor de beneficencia en la remota aldea de Ccapi, Perú . Con una pequeña cantidad de ayuda externa puede hacer una diferencia en las vidas de estos niños, la mayoria caminan horas para ir a la escuela. Quando llegan Rene les da un desayuno caliente, y cuando salgan, les reciben el almuerzo. Él también da el almuerzo, un gran tazón de sopa nutritiva, a todos los ancianos de la aldea. Dos mujeres de la aldea se pagan a hacer la comida. Cualquier persona que se sienta preparado para ayudarme a apoyar su trabajo, por favor envíeme un mensaje de correo electrónico,
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