Opening an ancestral superhighway
Dear friends,
Something ‘ important significant and necessary’ happened
This happened at 6.30
in the afternoon. Outside, it was still fiercely hot. I could smell the sandalwood incense by the
swimming pool. Evening was still way over the mountain, invisible and far
away, approaching at its own pace. I was cool inside my dimmed shabby chic small
Spanish sitting room.
After 2 months waiting for the DNA results, they had arrived.
Disappointment immediately filled my whole body.
Strange as it may sound, this was better than being completely, off the
scale, overwhelmed. I was afraid I might have just exploded in a huge surge of
Where did my father, Lionel,
the wandering Jew, really come from? Where did he go when he disappeared ? This
question may never be answered, but I know now why I love Russian Sacred Music.
Where are my roots,
apart from Ireland and Holland?
I did a lot of
preparation for reading these results.
I bought a ‘travelling’
Buddha, as part of setting ‘the scene’ for receiving
the info. He weighs less than a kilo. I also
bought Peruvian Palo Santo sticks, and incense, nightlights, then chose one of Kiki’s Earth Magic cards,
for guidance. Fog! Spot on as always.
I prayed in the little turquoise pool, ate some salad, noticed
new mice droppings beside the fridge, then decided to take the drama out of the whole
thing. Goodness , how much did I want
this info.
Drama queen me ? Yes?
She’s still in there. But she doesn’t
get to rule the roost for long these days. Bless
her . She was expecting something really jaw dropingly amazing to leap out of this info, and change my life
for ever.
Maybe there would be a half-sister out there, or a half-brother..
or maybe maybe my beloved Abba father. ….oh
how my heart would burst if I could just see a photo of him. That would be enough.
Apart from showing your
geographic DNA info (with maps) , Ancestry gives you a list of folk you are
related too. My list of 129 people were all 4/5th cousins. I’ve contacted
2. One looks beautiful and intelligent. His name is Bob. He’s Jewish, 60ish.
By the time I opened the email with the results, I was very
calm .
Part of the preparation included reading through my research notes written this summer
Here are a few note- nuggets
which are propelling me into October,
and will help to assimilate this news.
When we are in silence we are speaking the language of
the soul.
Silence is my mother tongue.
…I know I have done something important and significant and necessary… ( Rene August)
Acknowledging the limitations on or grasp of what lies
within and without us…
Less about individual pieces of music, ( Russian
Sacred Music today) , more about the overall sound they weave.. an ancestral
superhighway they open…
Every day is a threshold we are invited into a bigger
life.. ( Nick Williams)
because my maternal grandparents were
Dutch, Irish, I am 31% Western European, 28% Irish... no surprise here.
That totals 59%. How can that be? Surely we are all is 50/50 mother/father?
I was hoping to be 50% Jewish. I was hoping to find I come from a Sephardic Jewish heritage, that I have roots in Spain. tells me I’m 18% European Jewish ( no
indication this includes Spain), 18% British ( big surprise).
I’m 2% Finish/ North West Russian.
1% African, 1% West
Asian . Smile making surprises here! The
Irish certainly got around, but Africa
But the figures don’t quite add up.. there’s 14% of my dad’s
50% missing.. typical dad.. still hiding
big time.
Little bit of processing to do now !
“No medicine cures what happiness cannot.”
― Gabriel García Márquez
― Gabriel García Márquez
“Happiness is when
what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Choosing happiness, whatever and despite the if only
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