Wonder-filled Wednesdays.

 Wednesday morning now means Life Drawing with six other artists here in Orgiva, Andalucia, Spain. Bliss and double joy!!!

I love these precious hours more than I can say.

My hope in sharing these drawings is that they might touch your hearts with the same kind of wonder I feel when I'm drawing another human being.  It's a hugely priviledged, intimate, experince of meeting another soul  - beautiful - unmasked - naked - real.

  Elizabeth Gilbert says:

'My soul, when I tend to it, is a far more expansive and fascinating source of guidance than my ego will ever be, because my soul desires only one thing: wonder.

And since creativity is my most efficient pathway to wonder, I take refuge there, and it feeds my soul, and it quiets the hungry ghost—thereby saving me from the most dangerous aspect of myself,'

from her book, Creative Living Beyond Fear.

                                               This weeks drawings with the new model.

All of these rapid drawings were  made in between 3 and 15 minutes. Speed is of the essence.

It's like if I'm not quick, the spirit will hide, and I'm left with a chalky mess on the paper and on my hands.

I prepare the background paper the day before.  Usually this is with acrylic paint, sometimes with plants printed onto the paper. I’m drawing with chalk and sometime oil pastels.

Usually I take a flask of black coffee. This week it was not so nice dandilion tea because  I giving up coffee for a while.  This week the Dutch sculptress brought a banana cake to share at break time.  It's not very good she said.  It's ok said the new model.  I can tell you it's ok because I used to  have a cafe. I'm a cake baker, she added, smiling.

The cake was definitely delightfully original. I thought it was wonderful.  Partly for  her  kindness in making it for us, and partly as its yummy, squidgy, melt- in –your- mouthness took my mind of the caffeine withdrawal headache which was hammering away behind my eyes, for the second day.

Writing and life drawing help me balance my world which I’m hyper aware could change again at any moment.   Next visit with the lovely lady oncologist is on Monday.
My ( inner) drama queen gets very busy before these visits.  21 months in remission is nothing short of a miracle.   May  this miracle continue, please.

All of our lives could change for 1000 reasons  in a spilt second. I know that. I’m not asking for sympathy. I think I’m just asking you to walk beside me, for a little while, and share my joys and…my uncertainty.


I resolved a week ago to follow the advice (online) of somebody whose name I didn’t catch,  but that doesn’t matter.  She  was an ordinary looking but confident American lady wearing a red dress. Her hair was short and brown.  She was strutting across a stage talking to a large audience.  I had  a huge penny dropping moment.  I had no doubt about that. AHA!

She said she had  decided to depend on  God, not simply just put her trust in Him (/Her/It/All That Is/Buddha/ Allah/Yahweh) call  'Him/It' what you like.

So I decided to try depending.

 A  day later I found my new home!

Blessing on all your inner and outer journeys dear friends.

Hasta pronto.

Prints on watercolour paper of any of the above drawings are 45€ plus postage.
Original drawings unframed but mounted are 450€ plus postage.

All proceeds from the sale of the drawings will go to supporting Ivan Nogales arts centers for street children and youth at risk in Bolivia. 
Ivan and 10 of his young actors/musicians  will be touring Spain and France later this month. They need all the financial help they can possibly find.

Ivan's Teatro Trono is  one of the 5 projects Orgiva's  Chocolatada supports : www.chocdrops.com.

To order a drawing, please email me - megrobinson@yahoo.com.


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