
Showing posts from November, 2011

La Chocolatada 2011

The money from our Chocolatada fund raiser will join other donations to fund the bringing of hot chocolate, a sticky bun and a small gift to thousands of underprivileged children in Peru and Bolivia. 'La Chocolatada' is a hugely popular much looked forward to custom in these countries. On Saturday 10th Dec we will have our 4th Chocolatada fund raiser in Orgiva, at the Upper campsite, 11am-2pm. Father Christmas will be there ! Come and support us, and help us put a smile on thousands of young faces.

Remember that wherever your heart is...."Recuerde que

Специальный привет и спасибо всем моим русским читателям! Есть 22 из Вас. Как я хотел бы знать, где вы находитесь! “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. You’ve got to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense." Paulo Choelho. "Recuerde que donde esta tu corazón, allí se encuentra el tesoro. Tienes que encontrar el tesoro, por lo que todo lo que han aprendido en el camino puede tener sentido. " Paulo Choelho. Alchemical jewelery by my dear hugely talented friend Rachel Mackie. Rachel says about her work: 'Using a mixture of art, flamenco and alchemy I create wearable treasure. Smooth, sensual and timeless.' Rachel dice de su trabajo: "Uso una mezcla de arte, el flamenco y la alquimia para hacer tesoro portátil. Suave, sensual y atemporal. " “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered wh...


Life seems to be so often a tug in both directions. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Winston Churchill Today has been a day when life feels as beauitful as these two birds, and also as confusing as... So, if I am wrong in what I think, please let it be a blessing. “I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” Robert McCloskey But... 'Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.' Albert Schweitzer So may it be.

A message for México России,Česká republika e Italia.

Thank you to my readers today in Mexico, Russia, Czech Republic and Italy. Gracias a mis lectores de hoy en México, Rusia, República Checa e Italia. Спасибо моим читателям сегодня в Мексике, России, Чехии и Италии. Děkujeme, že jste na mých čtenářů dnes v Mexiku, Rusku, Česká republika a Itálie. Grazie ai miei lettori oggi in Messico, Russia, Repubblica Ceca e Italia. Tomorrow I'm having a fiesta in my house. Here's a pic of my house and my neighbor. I wish you could all come to the party. Mañana voy a hacer una fiesta en mi casa. Aquí hay una foto de mi casa y mi vecino. Me gustaría que todos pudieran venir a la fiesta. Abrazos a todos. Завтра у меня партию в моем доме. Вот фотография моего дома, и мой сосед. Я желаю вам все это может прийти на вечеринку. Объятия для всех вас. Zítra mám strana ve svém domě. Tady je fotka z mého domu a mého souseda. Přeji vám vše by mohlo přijít na party. Hugs vám všem. Domani ho una festa a casa mia. Ecco una foto della ...

After their winter, and before ours..

Very excited. My partner in Peru, Wider, who took this photo, is about to return to the high mountains with the news we have money to buy animals for the families in the area we are committed to help. Due to a devastatingly severe winter they lost most of their sheep, goats, chickens, and guinea pigs. Wider will hike for three days to reach the families, then return to Ollantaytambo with some of the men to buy the animals. The rainy season is about to start. It will be a hard journey. Wider grew up on the street of his village. With huge respect for his ancestors, he is committed to helping his indigenous brothers and sisters, as he calls them, preserve their ancient way of life. I am privileged to help him do this by sending money I earn from selling my paintings and running retreats. For the second time, a Danish artist Heidrun Sorenson has generously donated money as well. 'When we help other people it puts a smile on their faces and a glow in our hearts.' Washi Gi...

On being grateful

Go the extra mile. It's never crowded. ~Author Unknown Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain

Salut prieteni români!

Wow. 32 de persoane din România citi blog-ul meu de azi. Multumesc oricine ai fi. Aici este una dintre picturile mele special pentru tine. Eu nu pot vorbi limba dvs., astfel încât am folosit ochelari de cal traduce! :-)

Expecting the unexpected

Right, all plans have changed, and just in an instant! A lawyer from Holland is coming to make a shamanic retreat with me, tomorrow. The screenplay will have to go on the back boiler for a six days. Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience. Masaru Ibuka As always, I teach what I need to remember myself! “I'm looking for the unexpected. I'm looking for things I've never seen before.” Robert Mapplethorpe. This will be one of the themes for the week. “You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.” Paulo Coelho Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so. Doris Lessing. So may it be. For both of us.